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AUDIO_NT-A Foundation of Lighter Being - Everyday Mindfulness: ​ Finding Freedom: Wherever You Are​ (LB 100A Audio-NT)

Foundation of Lighter Being - Everyday Mindfulness: Finding Freedom Wherever You Are​

SPECIAL NOTE: Upon completion of all 8 lessons go to: https://forms.gle/wG5wviggPVVg2heN6 to complete the Assessment and Feedback form to receive credit and certificate.

About the Course
1. Foundations of Lighter Being lessons are available in audio or video format.
2. Each Lesson with a downloadable PDF to support your learning, and development of a consistent and successful mindfulness practice. (To print click on the presentation icon in the upper right hand corner and "save as") OR Go To FILES and download
3. To receive a certificate of completion go to this link, http://tinyurl.com/PISDLighterBeing, and complete the top portion of the form; for a certificate with applicable CEU's complete the top portion and successfully complete the questions.

Overview - Video and audio streaming mindfulness series
• Watch or listen when you need it most - i.e., starting your day, before school or work, during lunch hour, before bed or when it just fits best into your schedule.
• Designed to be watched in order to build on skills and knowledge
• 8 lessons - recommend no more than 1-2 per week for gradual practice integration into your daily life
• Approximately 15 min each video/audio
• Develop self-awareness – the key to making real change
• Improve self-regulation - the only thing we can control is ourselves
• Reduce stress impact by using the skills and practices taught to retrain the brain and therefore change body/mind stress response
• Increase your capacity for learning and memory with regular practice of skills taught

Potential Rewards
• Optimum wellness and self-care
• Mental and emotional stability
• Better sleep
• More energy throughout your day
• Better resilience
• Calmer and clearer thinking
• More productive engagement in daily life
• Integration of mindfulness into your life and influencing others
• Inner-peace
  • LB Lesson 1: Strong Mind-Audio
  • LB Strong Mind 1.pdf
  • LB Lesson 2: Strong Mind-Audio
  • LB Strong Mind 2.pdf
  • LB Lesson 3: Brave Heart-Audio
  • LB Brave Heart 3.pdf
  • LB Lesson 4: Brave Heart-Audio
  • LB Brave Heart 4.pdf
  • LB Lesson 5: Wise Body-Audio
  • LB Wise Body 5.pdf
  • LB Lesson 6: Wise Body-Audio
  • LB Wise Body 6.pdf
  • LB Lesson 7: Noble Spirit-Audio
  • LB Noble Spirit 7.pdf
  • LB Lesson 8: Noble Spirit-Audio
  • LB Noble Spirit 8.pdf
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed